I was in a coaching call with one of my amazing clients last week when I was reminded of the tension we often place on choosing an either/or solution to the challenges we're facing.
Although I'm the worst person you could possibly choose to have in an improv group (I draw a total blank when lobbed a live imaginary situation), the older I get it's becoming increasingly clear to me that, in most cases, things are not binary, not black or white, not simply option A or option B.
What lies in the middle? Most of the juice, because the world is - for better or for worse - mostly various shades of grey. I think coaching is a way for us to explore what else is possible (a great question you can use in your world, btw!). And I recognize we don't all work with a coach (although - insert plug for coaching with us here!).
So here are some ideas for you to consider when it comes to expanding options in your corner of the world:
What lies in between the either/or options that may be most obvious to you on first glance?
Try a "yes AND", which is a technique from improv and which can open up some options for you at work, at home and in your community. NOTE: please try to avoid throwing a "but" in here. This small word has a serious tendency to shut down conversations, brainstorming and growth.
Here are some additional questions beyond the much loved "and what else is possible":
Think of the wisest person you know. What would he/she say around this?
How about a practical relative? And a dreamer? Your mom? Your bestie? The most creative person you know?
What are you taking as true in this situation? Is it absolutely true?
What is it time for you to do?
Expand your horizons - because in the end, which would you rather? Limit your options, or increase what's possible?
And I'll wrap up this month with a sliver of poetry from one of my favourites, e.e. cummings:
"I thank you God for this most amazing day, for the leaping greenly spirits of trees, and for the blue dream of sky and for everything which is natural, which is infinite, which is yes."
Resources for you:
Should you require more evidence as to why "yes" is the way to go, from Lifehack, 12 more reasons to say yes!
Always be learning,
Darcy & the team at The Management Coach
Although I'm the worst person you could possibly choose to have in an improv group (I draw a total blank when lobbed a live imaginary situation), the older I get it's becoming increasingly clear to me that, in most cases, things are not binary, not black or white, not simply option A or option B.
What lies in the middle? Most of the juice, because the world is - for better or for worse - mostly various shades of grey. I think coaching is a way for us to explore what else is possible (a great question you can use in your world, btw!). And I recognize we don't all work with a coach (although - insert plug for coaching with us here!).
So here are some ideas for you to consider when it comes to expanding options in your corner of the world:
What lies in between the either/or options that may be most obvious to you on first glance?
Try a "yes AND", which is a technique from improv and which can open up some options for you at work, at home and in your community. NOTE: please try to avoid throwing a "but" in here. This small word has a serious tendency to shut down conversations, brainstorming and growth.
Here are some additional questions beyond the much loved "and what else is possible":
Think of the wisest person you know. What would he/she say around this?
How about a practical relative? And a dreamer? Your mom? Your bestie? The most creative person you know?
What are you taking as true in this situation? Is it absolutely true?
What is it time for you to do?
Expand your horizons - because in the end, which would you rather? Limit your options, or increase what's possible?
And I'll wrap up this month with a sliver of poetry from one of my favourites, e.e. cummings:
"I thank you God for this most amazing day, for the leaping greenly spirits of trees, and for the blue dream of sky and for everything which is natural, which is infinite, which is yes."
Resources for you:
Should you require more evidence as to why "yes" is the way to go, from Lifehack, 12 more reasons to say yes!
Always be learning,
Darcy & the team at The Management Coach