What is LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®?Are we just going to play with LEGO? No - this is not your children's LEGO! According to the LEGO SERIOUS PLAY people:
“The LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method (LSP) is a facilitated thinking, communication and problem solving technique for use with organisations, teams and individuals. It draws on extensive research from the fields of business, organisational development, psychology and learning, and is based on the concept of ‘hand knowledge’.” It’s a real thing invented inside of LEGO® and which has been used by global companies including Google and NASA. Darcy Roberts has delivered 65+ sessions to organizations and groups ranging in size from 6 to 150 since she completed her training in 2017. |
Leaders & companies who choose a LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® approach share the following beliefs:
Why LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®?Consider a LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® session for your leaders and teams when: